Banner Manager

Easily create and manage website advertising zones and banners

This powerful GeoDesic add-on lets you manage any number of zones and advertisements directly from the software admin panel. You can specify image based banner advertisements, or insert code directly from a third party ad service.  For each zone, a module tag is created and can be inserted into your templates. No need to keep editing your templates every time you change an advertisement.

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Key Front-End Features

  • Fully customizable advertisement display template
  • Insert the ad zone module tag into any template and then manage the attached advertisements from the admin

Key Admin Features

  • Create & manage any number of zones
  • Create & manage any number of advertisements (banners)
  • Specify local image based banner advertisements, or code based advertisements from external or third party sources ( Ad Sense, etc.)
  • Specifications of each advertisement is fully manageable, including:
    • Specify image or code type
    • For image based advertisements;
      - Upload image
      - Specify target URL
      - Open target URL in same window, or new
    • For code based advertisements;
      - Specify/insert full custom advertisement code
    • Publish (active) or unpublish (inactive) each advertisement
    • Specify advertisement display weight
      Ads with a heavier weight will show more frequently in the rotation
    • Assign each advertisement to any number of regions
      Ad will only display when browsing the applicable regions, or all regions
    • Assign each advertisement to any number of categories
      Ad will only display in a zone when browsing the applicable category
    • Assign each advertisement to your created zones
    • Restrict zones from displaying to specific user or seller usergroups

Other Features

  • Pure W3C compliant & validated coding
  • Complete semantic separation of functional/programming and visual layers.